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Everything Ever: Review

Everything Ever: Review 


Mechanics: Hand Management, Party
Player Age: 12+ 
Player Count: 2 - 10 Players
Time to Play: 20 Minutes 
Game Designer: Nathan Thornton
Game Artist: Danielle Deley
Publisher: Floodgate Games
Year Published: 2023
BGG Weight: 1.00
Disclaimer: A review copy for the game was provided by the publisher.


Everything Ever is a party game that finally uses of all that information in your head that is perceived as useless. This isn't a trivia game focused on a certain period, or form of entertainment, instead, this game is for those who know a bit of everything there ever was. Players will take turns saying something that belongs to each category displayed in the centre of the table, being careful not to say anything that has already been said. 

Card Anatomy:

Category Cards:

250 category cards are included that covers a vast array of topics including, well, everything. Some of the topics cover music, TV, movies, food, animals, names and even professions. Based on the player's knowledge and creativity, most of these cards can even be considered to belong to multiple topics.

Judge Card:

This card is used to keep everyone in line. The first time a player is stretching the limits of the game, or is loosely correct with an answer, an opponent can put a judge card in front of them on the "allow it" side. The second time they prod the limits anyone can flip that judge card will be flipped over to "out of order" and they will have to gain the category pile as a penalty. The judge card is returned to its original owner. 


- Shuffle the category cards and deal 3 face-down to each player. This amount can be tweaked per player according to everyone’s different trivia skills. These are considered to be each player's hand.
- Give each player one judge card.
- Create a deck equal to the number of players multiplied by three.
- Reveal two cards from the above deck into the centre of the table. These are the starting topics.

How to Play:

The flow of the game is perfect for a party atmosphere. Each turn the player has to say something relating to each of the categories in the front of the table that hasn't been said before. If a player succeeds in naming something that relates to both categories, for example, ‘Chucky’ matches the categories of every monster and every Charles, the active player can discard one penalty card or add a third category to the table. When the category piles are reduced to two, the third category will not be refreshed, this is if someone created a third category pile like the example above. 

If a player fails to say a word meeting a category they will have to take that pile as penalties, or they can play a card from their hand on top of the pile to change the category. The active player now has to think of something for the new category. The cards in your hand won’t replenish, so think about them as your life force as they are the only way you can avoid taking penalties. Once all the categories have run out the player with the fewest penalties has won.

Final Thoughts:

- Fast gameplay.
- Trivia game that doesn't rely on traditional trivia. 
- Is very open to interpretation so players can get creative. 
- Abundance of cards and variability packed in the box, keeping it from going stale straight away.

Everything Ever is what I consider a welcoming trivia game. Anyone from a diverse knowledge background and age has a fighting chance. This is the kind of game that you play at a family gathering or when winding down the game night. It doesn't outstay its welcome and creates a fun atmosphere where players are pulling answers from different depths. If you enjoy trivia games like Geek Out, or Linkee, but are looking to include everyone, I believe you’ll enjoy Everything Ever. This is an easy addition to your party collection that has a vast array of cards to keep players occupied for some time.

Click...feed the addiction: 


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