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Showing posts from December, 2019

NObjects: Review

NObjects: Review Information: Mechanics:  Party, Charades Player Age:  8+  Player Count:  3  - 6 Players Time to Play:  15 - 30  Minutes  Game Designer:  Ludovic Gimet Game Artist: Claus Stephan Publisher : Pegasus Spiele Expandable:  No expansions avaliable Year Published:  2019 BGG Weight:  1.0 Disclaimer:  A review copy for the game was provided by the publisher. Objective: 'NObjects' is a new twist on the charades genre, where one player at a time will try to have players guess their word by drawing the object with their fingers on the table. No words or gestures allowed. Setup: - Each coloured deck (green, yellow and red) will be shuffled individually; these represent the difficulty of easy, medium and hard, respectively. - Place the die in reach of all players. - Use a timer or electronic device to keep track of time; set this timer to 60 seconds. - Choose a start player. How to to Play: Starting with the first player and continuing

Filler: Review

Filler: Review Information: Mechanics:  Hand Builder, Turn Bidding, Set Collection, Simultaneous Selection Player Age:  8+  Player Count:  1 - 6  Players Time to Play:  20 - 30  Minutes  Game Designer:  Jonathan Chaffer Game Artist:   Claire Donaldson Publisher : Green Couch Games BGG Weight: 1.00 Disclaimer:  A review copy for the game was provided by the publisher. Objective: You are a pastry chef trying to become the most renowned by building a repertoire of ingredients in your hand to effectively create any pastry that is required by the customers. So now it is time do what all pâtissiers are born to do; heat up the oven and the fill those pastries with delicious goodness. Card Anatomy: Turn Order Cards: The turn order is constantly changing throughout the game, so you will find that this numbered card will definitely come in handy. At the start of every round, after the turn order is determined, these cards will be in front of each player designating

Ragnarök: Review

Ragnarök: Review Information: Mechanics:  Hand Management, Area Control Player Age:  12+  Player Count:  2  Players Time to Play:  10 - 20  Minutes  Game Designer and Artist:  Paul Calderwood Publisher : Invisible Kitty Games Expandable:  Not Expandable Year Published:  2018 Disclaimer:  A review copy for the game was provided by the publisher. Objective: There is an epic battle underway between the Norse Gods (AEsir) and the Frost Giants (Jötnar). This battle is won by gaining the highest power over the majority of worlds within two rounds. This is achieved by playing cards on your side of the world to try and have the strongest value on the majority of worlds. Card Anatomy: There are three types of cards: runes, divinity, and modifiers. Runes: Runes can either be played vertically on a world to be used for its power, or can be played horizontally to activate its effect. Each world can only have one rune played on each side over the course of a round.