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Imperial Miners: Rapid Review

Imperial Miners: Rapid Review


Mechanics: Engine Building, chaining, Hand Management 
Player Age: 10+ 
Player Count: 1 - 5 Players
Game Designer: Tim Armstrong (II)
Game Artist: Hanna Kuik
BGG Weight: 1.98
Publisher: Portal Games
Time to Play: 20 - 60 Minutes 
Year Published: 2023
Disclaimer: A review copy for the game was provided by the Publisher.


Imperial Miners is a fast-paced engine builder where players are creating a reverse pyramid (more suitability referred to as a mine shaft). There are 10 rounds in the game before the player with the most crystals is deemed the winner. On each round an event is revealed that could either give players an immediate effect, a result at the end of the round, or an effect that will occur during the round.

Each player will then prepare the card they are going to play face-down. Once everyone is ready they will play it at the appropriate level. Any combined mine carts will score one crystal at the end of the game, and from level two onwards there needs to be two cards above it to legally play the card underneath. When a card is played it’s effect will occur first, followed by an effect from one of the two connected cards above. This reactive effect will continue until the player reaches their board to resolve one of the three effects. 

Some of the cards can be blocked by mine collapses. If you are activating a card with a collapse the card activation will simply be removing that cave in. 


There are six factions spread throughout the cards that help create alteration, giving players different play-styles to build towards. Some of the cards even contain two factions that shows a little bit of both faction’s play-style.


Scots contain strong effects but come with a hefty cost. These costs get lowered the more scotts you have in your mine.


Egyptians are focused on the progress boards (another good point of alteration). Some Egyptians even allow bonus abilities based on their position.


Atlanteans focus on the machine. Their abilities get stronger based on the amount of machine the card has. Each card is allowed a maximum of three machines.


This faction is filled with brutes that have strong effects but are constantly causing collapses. Some of the barbarians can help remove these or may benefit off the number of collapses.


Romans help and benefit off completed mine carts.


Japanese favour multiple groups that you have but they work the best off fellow Japanese.

Progress Boards:

There are several double-sided progress boards included in the game. Each progress board has a unique track with unique benefits. Every time a player advances on the track, when ending this advancement they gain the benefit they have stopped on. During the game each player can only advance on one track until they reach the end, then they instantly move to another progress board. Each progress board contains a powerful effect at the end of the track that leans into certain play-styles.


Imperial Miners is a multiplayer solitaire game, in fact the solo rules are the same as the multiplayer rules. Some people don't enjoy games like this, however, I find it to be perfect in this game. It allows for quick turns and the development of fulfilling engines without anyone damaging your progress. 


- Fast gameplay since you are focused on your engine
- Simultaneous play and no player interaction.
- Interesting spread of faction playstyles in the decks, the dual factions are my particular favourites.
- Interesting system of activating the effects of cards above the played card.

Imperial Miners is a fast-paced engine-building game that has two core elements I enjoyed. First, is the chain effect that occurs every turn when you play a card. The lower the card is played the more effects you gain from the cards above. This creates the opportunity for decision-making early on in the game that will continue to benefit throughout the game. The other core concept I enjoyed was that you’re not a chosen faction. Instead, each distinct faction is spread out within the deck, allowing players to pick and choose how heavy they want to focus on their core strategies. If you enjoy engine builders, especially pyramid based ones, then Imperial Miners is a great fit for you. It has the perfect length of gameplay that will leave you wanting to play one more time.

Click...feed the addiction: 


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