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Showing posts from June, 2024

Shadow Kingdom of Valeria - Folded Space Insert: Review

Shadow Kingdom of Valeria - Folded Space Insert: Review Disclaimer:  A review copy for the insert was provided by the publisher. Introduction: If you have read my original review of Shadow Kingdoms of Valeria, you would know it is one of my favourites. This is why I was so excited to gain a review copy of the officially licensed insert. Organisation: The insert is highly organised, each player has their own tray, organised to the side in stacks of three. Each card type has its own divided section, and what's better is that the insert contains spacing for both expansions, something that I am excited to fit into the base box. Quality: I have never assembled a foamboard insert before and I was pleasantly amazed by the quality. Not only is each insert sturdy but also contains the amazing art we’ve all come to know and love from Valeria. Ease of Creation: The insert couldn't be easier to assemble as each piece has a detailed instruction on how to do this. The only difficult aspect

Surf's Up: Review

Surf's Up: Review Information: Mechanics:  Hand Builder, Engine Builder, Bidding, Bluffing Player Age:  8+  Player Count:  2 - 6  Players  Time to Play:  20 - 30  Minutes  Game Designer:  Jay Bendixen Game Artists:  Jay Bendixen Publisher:  Good Games Publishing Year Published:  2024 BGG Weight:  2.00 Disclaimer:  A review copy for the game was provided by the publisher and  Lets Play Games. Introduction: Surf's Up has a players starting with energy cards of 0 - 5 bidding for the next wave (ocean card). The highest value gains the ocean card and the points connected to it, as a winner or runner up you may also buy more cards to add to your hand or improve your scoring. The catch is that anytime a player wins a bid they remove their used energy card from the game, so this is also a timer on the game. When a player has only the zero card left in their hand or five bluebottles have been bidded on, the game will end and scoring will commence. Card Anatomy: Starting Energy Cards: E

Umbrella: Review

Umbrella: Review  Information: Mechanics:   Pattern Recognition, Sliding Puzzle, Set Collection, Open Drafting, Abstract Age:  8+ Player Count:  1 - 4  Players Time to Play:  30  Minutes  Game Designer:   Flavien Dauphin, Benoit Turpin Game Artist: Vincent Dutrait Publisher : Pandasaurus Games Year Published:  2024 Disclaimer:  A review copy for the game was provided by the publisher. Introduction: Umbrella is a pattern recognition game that will have players sliding umbrellas from four directions in pursuit of meeting figure tiles. Build the right patterns and you will score a cluster of bonus points in the standard way of scoring, while in the advanced way of scoring you can gain immediate bonuses based on the umbrella colours you score with. Game Anatomy: Umbrella Tokens: These wooden tokens come in four colours; blue, red, green and yellow. Personal Board: A player’s personal board will also hold their scoreboard, figure tiles, and umbrellas. Each board will contain a unique setup

Don't Skip Leg day: Review

Don't Skip Leg day: Review Information: Mechanics:   Drafting, Hidden Scoring, Set Collection Age:  8+ Player Count:  3 - 6  Players Time to Play:   15 - 25  Minutes  Game Designer:   Alex Cutler Game Artist:  Joshua Leonard Publisher : Pandasaurus Games Year Published:  2024 Disclaimer:  A review copy for the game was provided by the publisher. Introduction: The body building competition is coming up in only two weeks and good body workouts will result in great muscles, scoring you points with the judges. If you ignore the leg workouts the judges will be disappointed by your disproportionate body and you’ll lose points. This game is an easy to play drafting game where it is pivotal you do enough leg Workouts while maintaining the competition between your opponents.  Card Anatomy: Leg Day: The leg day cards are vital to your workout routine. In fact the player with the least leg day cards will be eliminated from competing in scoring. Cards will be played in two ways; while drafting

Dragonkeepers: Review

Dragonkeepers: Review Mechanics:  Hand Management, Follow Mechanism, Set Collection Player Age:  8+ Player Count:  2 - 4 Players Game Designer and Artist:  Michel Menzel BGG Weight: 1.88 Publisher:  Kosmos  Time to Play:  20 Minutes  Year Published:  2024 Disclaimer:  A review copy for the game was provided by the VR Distribution. Introduction: In this hand management game players are looking after groups of cute young dragons. Each turn you are taking cards to collect sets then manipulating the magic book by either changing the amount required and the reward, or the dragon type. If you are able to play the quantity of the chosen dragon type you will gain a benefit at the end of the turn. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game will be the winner. Game Anatomy: Cards: Front: The front of the card will have a dragon from one of the four colours; white, blue, green or orange. The top of the card will depict what is on the back of the card. Back: The focal point of the game is