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Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid - Villain Pack #1: Review

Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid - Villain Pack #1: Review


Mechanics: Cooperative, Variable Player Powers, Tower Defence, Modular
Player Age: 14+ 
Player Count: 2 - 5 Players
Time to Play: 45 - 60  Minutes 
Game Designer: Jonathan Ying
Game Artist: Daniel Mora
Publisher: Renegade game Studios
Year Published: 2019


This is the first villain pack out of an assortment of (currently) five available. Four new enemies are included in this expansion, along with two monsters and two bosses too give good coverage of added enemies.



- Health range: 3-6

- Keywords: Guard and Fast

Polluticorn has two powerful cards 'Unicorn Blaster' and ‘Toxic Tornado' deals nine damage and discards four cards, respectively. The discarding of cards is a particular nuisance as players normally aren't able to redraw new cards during combat. Both of these attacks are lessened by the fact that they can be distributed among the rangers as seen fit.

Commander Crayfish:

- Health range: 3-5

- Keywords: Guard, Fast and Passive

Commander Crayfish works like his name suggest, as a Commander. He has a fast attack that starts at two damage but increases by one for each foot soldier in his location. He also has a passive card that will give a plus two damage to adjacent cards. This helps the foot soldier directly below him but also boosts his cards next to this card, which is particularly helpful for him as all his cards are attack based.


Rito Revolto:

Health range: 4-6

Keywords: 2 occurrences of Fast, and one occurrence of Passive and Guard.

Rito Revolto is a main antagonist of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers era, appearing in 58 episodes. In the game, he is a constant hitter with his 'Hideous Strength' adding two damage to his attacks. His really interesting ability comes from 'Stumbling Fool' which adds two more of his cards into the current combat. At first, this strategy appears to create a large challenge but if you successfully eliminate all six cards then you can defeat him in one combat, versus the two combat initiations needed for other bosses. 

Master Vile:

Health range: 5-6

Keywords: 2 occurrences of Passive and one occurrence of Fast and Guard.

Master Vile is a combination of strong hits and control. He has two occurrences (four cards) that deal 6-12 damage. This is further amplified by 'Hideous Power' that raises each damage by a further 2. He controls the rangers by reducing their energy, making it hard for the players to attack. He can drain 6 energy and also increase energy cost of all cards by 1. Making it a large challenge to land a hit in the first place. 

Final Thoughts:

- More variability.

- Good range of bosses and monsters.

- Focused on Mighty Morphin enemies.

If you don't want the same repeated villains every time you play Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid, then villain packs are a great way to expand your game while focusing on adding different challenges. This expansion is particularly targeted at the fans of the original Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin). If you are already enjoying the base game and find yourself drawn to the Mighty Morphin collective then this is an easy expansion to add to your shelves.

Click...feed the addiction: 


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