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Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid Ranger Allies Pack #1: Review

Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid Ranger Allies Pack #1: Review


Mechanics: Cooperative, Variable Player Powers, Tower Defence, Modular
Player Age: 14+ 
Player Count: 2 - 5 Players
Time to Play: 45 - 60  Minutes 
Game Designer: Jonathan Ying
Game Artist: Rob Guillory
Publisher: Renegade game Studios
Year Published: 2020
Disclaimer: A review copy for the game was provided by the publisher.


The Allies Pack #1 contains five allies that come from various times of the Power Rangers franchise. The design team has added a little more creativity to the designs with these characters featuring unique mechanisms that haven't been explored before in Heroes of the Grid.


Ninjor focuses on two things; reaction cards and healing. With a reaction card, he can keep a zord from exhausting and ignore an enemy's turn (with a cost of the next ranger turn). He also has two cards that return a card to the bottom of the rangers deck. One for an ally ranger and one for himself. These cards can be shifted to the top of the ranger deck using his special ability. His powerful attack, 'Nimbus Strike', is also one of my favourite heavy-hitting attacks. Instead of targeting one enemy, it targets three enemies with the same attack that share a keyword. 

Anubis Cruger (S.P.D. Shadow Ranger):

Anubis is all about working as a team. Once per battle, he will allow other rangers a basic attack of three dice instead of playing a card by spending one energy. Anubis can also reroll his allies' dice with a reaction, and 'Bark Orders' for another player to play a card then placing it on their deck instead of discarding it. He does come with some interesting attacks like 'Crowd Control' that allows him to attack two foot soldiers with one card.

Phantom Ranger:

The Phantom Ranger has a very unique character ability where he can treat his character card as a location. He can then move off this location to join any battle that has been initiated. Half of his character deck has him interacting from his character card or any other location than the current battle. He is also able to move back to his character card with the 'Phantom Cloak' during the battle.

Mike Corbett (Magna Defender):

Magna Defender's main gimmick is that he works off previously discarded cards. The longer you keep fighting rather than healing, the stronger you get as the Magna Defender. You can even play the 'Sacrifice' maneuver to discard a card, making you stronger while healing the other rangers in the combat. 

Zeo Gold:

Zeo Gold has to be one of the most creatively designed rangers I have seen so far. Every card has a secondary ability that can only be activated by his character ability. There is the Trey character card that allows you to activate the ability when you play the card and even lets you activate it again at the cost of energy. My favourite use of this mechanic is the Jason Lee Scott character card that allows you to reveal a card from your hand and activate its special secondary ability. The only downside is you have to then place this card to the bottom of your deck and redraw.


Delta Command Megazord works like a medic. Anytime a player moves to its location or recovers in its location they can power up. Reshuffling their deck, hand, and discard together re-forming their deck, gain one energy and redraw their hand. Normally this is reserved for the command centre so this is very helpful in saving activations during your turn

Final Thoughts:

- Unique ranger strategies

- Range of where the characters are from

- More content

If any of these characters particularly resonate with you based on their playstyle or source material, than this is an easy purchase for fans of the base game. If that's not the case, then this expansion really depends on if you want more rangers to play as. I personally enjoy these ally packs more than a ranger team expansion as they have more uniqueness to the characters.

Click...feed the addiction: 


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