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Libertalia Winds of Galecrest: Rapid Revew

Libertalia Winds of Galecrest: Rapid Review


Mechanics: Hand Management, Set Collection, Simultaneous Action Selection, Variable Phase Order
Player Age: 14+
Player Count: 1 - 6 Players
Time to Play: 45 - 60 Minutes 
Game Designer: Paolo Mori
Game Artist: Lamaro Smith
Publisher: Stonemaier Games 
Year Published: 2022
BGG Weight: 2.09


Libertalia Winds of Galecrest is a simultaneous selection game where players are trying to score the most doubloons over three voyages. Players will gain six of the same cards each voyage and add in any leftover cards from the previous voyage. Each voyage has a different amount of rounds starting at four then continuing at five, than six. The game will change for each player with each subsequent voyage as players start out with the same options but will gain different opportunities as each voyage occurs due to their kept cards. Cards will activate beginning with their daytime abilities starting at the lowest number, moving into the dusk abilities (starting with the highest number), and finishing with night abilities at the end of each day or anchor abilities at the end of each round.

This is a re-release of a classic game from 2012. There are numerous improvements to help this version standout such as a solo mode, improved two-player mode, more cards, improved components, reputation track for tie-breaking and two-sided abilities for the tokens.


The two main alterations from game to game come from the loot abilities and the quantity of character cards. There is a calm side of the board with matching loot abilities and a stormy side of the board that comes with more advanced and devious abilities. 

The alteration comes from tiles that allow players to play with a mix of calm and stormy loot abilities to fully tailor the loot abilities to their experience. The other alteration is the breadth of character cards. Each game will only use 18 cards out of the 40 cards for every player. The original game had only 30 cards. This brings a bounty of replay-ability as the characters will combo differently based on which characters are available and when.


The production is great. It has a perfect insert for the components of the game, amazing loot tokens made of a sturdy plastic that you don't see often in other games, and a coin holder for easy storage and accessibility during the game.


The tie-breaker system from the original game has been overhauled by a reputation system. This awards doubloons at the start of each round with the players lower on the track receiving more to work as a catch up mechanism. This also will award doubloons or lose doubloons in relation to player reputation when they are already at the top or bottom of the track. This track will mainly be modified through the character cards or loot tokens.

This game does have plenty of interactions such as removing a card before it can go to an opponents ship, be fully resolved with the saber loot token or by modifying doubloon or characters in a players ship with other character cards. The caveat with this interaction is that each player has been given the same opportunities so how and when a player strikes can have a vital effect on how successful the interaction will be.


Key Points:

- Plenty of variability

- Multiple improvements from the original version.

- Can take the first voyage for the game to start rolling.

Libertalia Winds of Galecrest is a great simultaneous selection game that allows all players the same level playing field while also giving subsequent voyages increased individuality to players as they will have (more than likely) different characters leftover from the previous voyage. There is a lot to like about this re-implementation including increased variability which is always great, a reputation track which gives players something new to fight over, and the Stonemaier touch on quality components. If you loved the original or just want a great simultaneous game with easy access and depth in game-play, then Libertalia is a treasure worth seeking


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