Tavern Masters Dockside: Review
Mechanics: Cooperative/Competitive, Hand Management, Simultaneous Action
Player Age: 13+ Player Count: 1 - 6 PlayersTime to Play: 20 - 30 Minutes
Game Designer: Dan Kriss
Game Artist: Galen Ihlenfeldt, Kelelowor, Anton Rosovsky, Samuel Manopo Publisher: Dan Kriss GamesYear Published: 2019Disclaimer: A review copy for the game was provided by the publisher.
Player Age: 13+
Game Designer: Dan Kriss
The festival of taverns has now moved to the salty shores of the docks. In this expansion there are two new decks; the port and the song deck. Both of these will allow players to get cards played faster. Any patron or tavern cards dependent on these two new decks will have a blue icon on the left side of the card.
Port deck:
The port deck is drawn and played if a player has a helm icon (captain icon) in their tavern. The port cards let all players play a card of a certain type. The port cards get played as soon as they are drawn in the night phase so players have to choose if they want to run the risk of helping their opponents or not.
Song deck:
The song deck is activated every night phase and allows each player to draw a song card. A second card is drawn each night if the player has an entertainer in their tavern. These song cards bypass patron wants (nobles included) and instead draws them in with sweet melodies letting players play patrons of a certain type as well as gaining coins for certain conditions such as each patron that likes a type of good, or for each patron of a certain type.
New Cards:
30 new tavern cards and 30 new patron cards are added to incorporate captains, songs, musicians and a new good type (rum) into the game.
Dirty Deed:
This expansion adds several patrons and 12 more dirty deed cards for the dirty deed expansion.
Final Thoughts:
The dockside expansion decreases the playtime of the game as it allows players to get patrons in their taverns earlier with the use of the song deck. This expansion also makes the musician a more sought out staff member as they will heighten your chances of gaining the right song card from the deck. This is an easy addition to tavern masters as it does not add anything negative and makes the game easier and faster to get to the table.
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