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Sumo Gnomes: Review

Sumo Gnomes: Review


Mechanics: Dice Roller, Abstract, Two Player
Player Age: 8+ 
Player Count: 2 Players
Time to Play: 1 - 5 Minutes 
Game Designer: Robbie Munn
Game Artist:  Lisa Schantl
Publisher: Peculiarity
Disclaimer: A preview copy for the game was provided by the publisher.


Your challenge, if you choose to accept, is to outmanoeuvre your opposition, then push their sumo off the tree stump in this quick back and forth two player game.

Game Anatomy:

The tree stump and player board:
There are numerous double sided coasters. On one side of the coaster there is the tree stump the other side has the player boards.

Each player board has the potential outcomes of the dice, as well as a placement for the two dice that were used this turn and the reserve area (unused dice that can be used on later turns).

The tree stump has a red and blue starting place for each sumo gnome as well as numerous squares that gnomes will be able to move to by following the arrows of direction.



There is one dice of each colour that will be used as your sumo gnome. The dice has unique illustrations on each side to help visualise the sumo.


Each dice will have several available actions that can be rolled and used.

Two of the dice will help the sumo move either orthogonal or diagonal. If you are next to your opponent instead of moving you can push your opponent in this direction hopefully pushing them off the tree stump. You can not achieve this if you opponent has successfully grabbed you.
This is similar to moving except you have to push your opponent then move into their now vacated space. This cannot be done diagonally and can only be done orthogonaly. Once again this can only be done if your sumo is not currently grabbed.

This will move your opponent in one space in any direction, to help position them for a crushing blow. However, you can not use a trick to move an opponent off the tree stump.
If you are adjacent to your opponent and not currently grabbed you can swap positions with them. This can help you setup a devastating attack if you are currently against the edge of the tree stump.
The grab dice helps disable your opponents options. The dice will be placed upon the enemy gnome and will remain there until they can remove it, this will disable several of their potential dice rolls.

There are two bonuses when you grab your opponent, every move can be used as slam movements and if you switch when your opponent is grabbed you will swing your opponent, moving them clockwise or anti-clockwise two movements. This can result in a ring out of your opponent.

Grabs can really disable your options so you are going to want to break them when you can. To break a grab you have to have at least one empty space between the gnomes or play a grab on your opposition, breaking a grab will return the dice to the opposition.
Special Dice Rules:
There are two special rules that can happen by matching two or four dice. If you play two matching dice, instead of the actions you can move your gnome three spaces in a single orthogonal or diagonal direction. If you have four of the same symbol you can re-roll all dice and take three actions this turn instead of two, so keeping an eye on your matching dice can be very helpful when dealing the finishing blow to your enemy.


- Each player takes four action dice.
- Place the player boards so each player has player board and then place the tree stump in the middle of those player boards.
- Place the red and blue gnomes on the matching starting spots on the tree stump.
- The shortest player will go first.

How to Play:

The players will take turns back and forth until one player has been pushed off the tree stump.

On your turn you will roll all the dice not in your reserve area, on the first turn this will be all the dice. From the dice in the reserve area and the dice rolled select two dice to use this turn, the leftover dice will move to the reserve area with face up icon remaining the same (you can use these on later turns). Play the effects of the two chosen dice then place the dice in the 1 and 2 spot on the board showing the correct order of play. If your opponent is still standing they have their turn, if not then you are victorious !!

Final Thoughts:

- Easy rules, fast game play.
- My copy was a prototype but I loved the atmosphere of the 3D gnome dice and the coaster boards.
- With the dice in the reserve area you can somewhat plan your turns and are aware of the half the options the opposing  player has.

- If you don't know how to defensively play you can set yourself up for early knockouts.

This is a quick back and forth strategic and lucky dice game. You have to consider you and your opponents reserves and play defensively until you arrive at the right position with the right dice. The rules are easy to learn but the strategy increases every time you survive a turn as you will be playing defensively while trying to position yourself favourably. Since the tree stump is small in size you will often find yourself having to be careful that you aren't close to your opposition or the edge of the tree stump. The games can last as short as one minute, so it is best played over several games in the case of first to a set amount of victories. If you are looking for a quick two player game that can be played anywhere, look no further and back 'Sumo Gnomes' today.

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