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Christmas Game Stocking List

Christmas Game Stocking List:

As we lead into this Christmas season, you’ll be straining for ideas of what to get your friends and family. Well, I am going to help you buy for that lucky tabletop gamer in your life.

To create this list there were two conditions I wanted to meet. Firstly, the game had to fit into a standard Christmas stocking. Secondly, the game has to be available in Australia for under 30 dollars (I have included links to mighty ape to help with this).

Honourable Mentions:

Before we start, I just want to mention some games that were just shy of making the list due to cost.
Two honourable mentions are the Pack-o-Game series offered by Perplexed Games and the wallet game series by Button Shy Games. Both game series includes a variety of light to heavy games which come in the fun form of tiny packaging.
A couple of highly recommended games from Pack-o-Games are 'Spy' (deduction game) and 'Taj' (strategic bluffing game). Both of these games are filled with an abundance of depth for such a small package.
For the wallet games, I recommend 'Pretense' which is a social deduction game that can be played over the top of other games. Next, I recommend 'Arcane Bakery Clash' which is a head to head game mixed with a key element of memory.
Lastly, you simply cannot go wrong with any Tiny Epic Game by Gamelyn Games. They may be small to the unsuspecting eye but they pack the punch of a much larger game. If you still need more variety after looking at the below list or are willing to fork out a little more on your gift recipient then I recommend anything from these unofficially-listed honourable mentions.

Link to Gamelyn Games
Link to Buttonshy Games
Link to Pack-o-Games

Stocking stuffers:

Now for the main event; the games that will fit in the stocking without putting a dent in your wallet.


This gem of a social deduction game that feels more like an evolution of a traditional card game. On your turn, you simply perform one of the actions on any of the role cards. You don't need to be holding the role card as the aim is to lie, cheat, and steal your way to victory without being called out. This is a fierce game of bluffing, over thinking and laughter. This game doesn't go over well with every player but if you like this game then you will REALLY enjoy it.

BGG Link
Purchase at Mighty Ape

Love letter:

This is the classic micro game whereby you simply eliminate the other players by playing one of two cards on your turn, or end the round with the highest card. There are multiple alternate versions including a Santa version, which would be perfect for this occasion, or larger versions that allow for up to eight players so that the whole family can enjoy.

BGG Link
Purchase at Mighty Ape


If your family are not as inclined to play technical games during Christmas but love trivia, then you can't go wrong with 'Timeline'. The objective is simple, place your card where you believe the event took place according to year. If you are correct, you’re one card closer to having no cards in your hand and winning the game. If not, you receive a new card. The trick with Timeline is the longer the game goes on, the more specific the players have to be when placing cards as all the prior correct cards will remain in the line. This game can embody joy for any player,  as the themes vary widely, ranging from Star Wars to general music.

BGG Link
Purchase at Mighty Ape
(Image received from BGG)

Zombie Dice:

In the push your luck game, Zombie Dice, all you want to do is gain a total of 13 brains over a series of rounds. On your turn, after rolling three dice you can stop and collect all the brains you have or you can draw to equal up to three dice and go again. If you stash your brains before getting killed then this number will remain or grow with your other turns to eventually get to the magic number 13.  The catch is that at any point if you have three gunshots from your dice, then you lose everything you have accumulated this round. Going from 10 brains to 0, now that's pushing your luck!

BGG Link
Purchase at Mighty Ape


Christmas is about being together, and what is more connected than a cooperative game. 'Hanabi' is just that. The objective is simple, working as a team build five piles of fireworks going from one to five in the same colour. Easy right? Wrong! You are not allowed to look at your own cards so you have to rely on the clues from other players which are as vague as telling you which of your cards are of the same colour, or same number. For this game, you will need your wits so it may not be the best to play with after a few egg nogs if you get my drift.

BGG Link
Purchase at Mighty Ape

Welcome to the Dungeon:

This is the ultimate game of chicken as you and up to three other players build and attempt surviving a dungeon together. During the dungeon building, there will be a point where all other players flee and the last standing player has to delve into the dungeon with potentially limited items. Die twice and you are out, but win twice and you are the greatest dungeon master of all. This is a great game of bluffing and chicken that excels with as little as two players.

BGG Link
Purchase at Mighty Ape


If your friends and family aren't the most inclined to games then look no further, the aim of Blank is as simple as Uno; play all your cards. However, every time someone wins they can permanently modify a card to have a new rule. By the time this Christmas is over the game will become a new favourite or maybe even a family tradition, seeing how the game can grow and expand after every play.

BGG Link
Purchase at Mighty Ape
(Image received from BGG)

With a great range of selection, I hope this list brings you plenty of holiday cheer this festive season. Merry Christmas!

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