Card Caddy - Upgrade:
Today I'll be implementing a new type of review called "Upgrade" where we will be looking at game accessories and upgraded components. Today this will feature a deck box by card caddy. Now before you click away this isn't just a standard deck box this is a modular deck box. Due to the modular nature the possibilities to tweak the card caddy to suit your purpose makes the card caddy so much more desirable and reusable for different scenarios.Deck Box -Single and Double:
Currently Card Caddy comes in a single and double size (with a triple to be released in the future). To explore how much each box can hold, I used standard magic cards (as I have a million of them laying around). The single Card Caddy can hold 62 standard cards, which is about the size of a minimum standard magic deck plus some tokens, or 3 - 5 microgames.Comparatively, the single can hold 33 sleeved cards, so like me, if you sleeve your cards you are going to want the double Card Caddy. The double can hold 77 sleeved cards, or 141 unsleeved cards, now that's a lot micro games! As well as depth, the double Card Caddy is larger in width and length so it can hold a larger card based game such as hero realms. (Not bigger card sizes games (games with tarot cards))
Now let's observe some other parts of the Card Caddy. These deck boxes are made from a sturdy plastic that won't wear down as easily as the common cardboard boxes or even the thin light weight plastics commonly used in games such as magic, so transporting the Card Caddy in a way that has it rattling around in your bag shouldn’t do a lot of damage.
The deck box is also modular in itself, as it is the first one where one side of the box can be combined with the other side to hold the deck in one and the discard pile in the other side thus reducing potential deck spills between the two piles (see image below).
Now this is where the Card Caddy shines. Currently there are two accessories released that you can attach either to hold tokens (finally!) or to keep score. These accessories can attach to either one or both sides of the Card Caddy.The scoring pad has two pegs which attach to the box side and goes as high as 70 points, and the container can be used to hold tokens, counters, or dice. Thanks to the way these accessories are designed they will not fall off the Card Caddy naturally, keeping your tokens/counters/dice in the painstakingly neat position you put them in. Once you attach these accessories to the caddy they are locked in until you want to remove them, so no more flimsy plastics falling off and ruining your hard organising work (apparently a pet peev of mine).
Final thoughts:
When you first begin using the Card Caddy you may feel like you are trying to solve a puzzle just by opening it, but that's normal in my experience. Once you get over the fact that you are not going to break the deck box by opening it, you realise how easy it is to open in so many different ways.If the Card Caddy was just sturdier than other deck box that's all it would need to stand out. However, Card Caddy goes beyond that with its modular allowing for endless possibilities. As someone that doesn't play CCG's anymore, the Card Caddy is still extremely useful for me. With a double caddy and both accessories, this is the perfect holiday box. I can hold a few dice games in the container accessory such as zombie dice, and greed, as well as holding multiple micro games that use standard card sizes such as love letter, coup, and most trick taking games.
Below is my list of pros and cons for the Card Caddy as a whole:
- Sturdy
- Modular
- Portable
- Useful accessories!!
- Can hold the deck and discard pile while playing therefore reducing interference from a shaky table and overzealous friends
- A bit hard to close with cards inside
- The scoring pad was hard to put on the single caddy (I think this might just be my copy)
- Currently limited in accessories (the next kickstarter could fix that)
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