Era of Kingdoms: Review Information: Mechanics: Tableau/Kingdom Building Player Age: 8+ Player Count: 2 to 4 Players Time to Play: 20 - 40 Minutes Game Designer: Michael Erisman Game Artist: Jeff Porter The Game: The objective of the game, is to build the best kingdom by gaining the most victory points. Game play is continuous until a card named “Age of Enlightenment” is drawn from the deck. Once this occurs you have one last turn to finalise building your kingdom before the game ends and victory points are counted. Cards: The cards come in the form of three separate decks; the Basic, Intermediate and Advanced deck. As the names suggest, players start by drawing from the basic deck and once their kingdom has advanced enough, players can then draw from the more powerful decks. Each card is made up of several key components as seen below: 1. Name of the card. 2. Type of card - land, person, victory or event (more on thes...