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Showing posts from July, 2024

Siege of Valeria: SOLO Review

Siege of Valeria: SOLO Review Information: Mechanics:  Engine Builder, Dice Rolling, Hand Management  Player Age:  8+ Player Count:  1 Player Time to Play:  30 - 45  Minutes  Game Designer:  Glenn Flaherty Game Artist:  Mihajlo Dimitrievski Publisher : Daily Magic Games Year Published:  2022 BGG Weight:  1.88 Spiel: Siege of Valeria is a strictly solo tower defence game where the goal is to destroy 13 siege engines before either one of the turrets is destroyed, the enemy deck runs out, or a siege engine passes through your defence. To do this players will use the abilities of their fallen enemies, as well as the strength and magic from their dice to defeat the opposition, particularly the sieges. Other Elements: Champions: Each siege will attack numerous times before they reach your vanguard (front row of the enemies). This creates challenges that also brings a very large benefit, whenever a siege is defeated they will allow you to gain a champion. Champions will go into one of the fiv