Micropolis: Review Information: Mechanics: Drafting, Tile Placement, Set Collection Player Age: 8+ Player Count: 2- 6 Players Time to Play: 30 Minutes Game Designer: Bruno Cathala, Charles Chevallier Game Artist: Camille Chaussy Publisher : Matagot Year Published: 2018 BGG Weight: 1.71 Disclaimer: A review copy for the game was provided by the publisher. Objective: It’s time to put your ants to work by developing and scoring the most advanced ant hill possible. Game Anatomy: Foundation Tile: This is what you will create your anthill around, as well as being a central storage space for your soldier ants. Soldier Ants: These little guys will be used in two ways. Firstly, during tile choosing. Seven tiles are lined up linearly. Each turn, the first tile is free to take but if a specific tile is wanted then it will cost ants to obtain. If a player wants a tile other than the first, they must place a soldier ant ...